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Learn about the legacy of women who left their mark in Viña del Mar

07 March, 2023 | News

Within the framework of the extensive Women's Month program in Viña del Mar promoted by the Municipality of Cuidados, the Department of Tourism has joined this important commemoration with a heritage guided tour specially dedicated to two women who marked the history of our city : Blanca Vergara and Maria Luisa Bombal.

For this, the traditional Agua Santa Route has been complemented with antecedents and topics of interest around the role and imprint of both.


Footprints Route: Historical Women of Viña del Mar

11:00 horas
Punto de encuentro: Álvarez esquina Agua Santa
Itinerario: Álvarez con Agua Santa; casonas y chalets de principios del siglo XX; calle San José (inmuebles donados por Blanca Vergara) y casa, vida y obra de María Luisa Bombal, escritora viñamarina.
Duración aproximada: 2 horas

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We highlight that this special route joins the following routes during March:

Historic Center Route of the Santa Inés Cemetery
Todos los martes – Horario: 11:00 horas
Punto de encuentro: Acceso principal cementerio, Subida Quillota S/N, Santa Inés
Itinerario: Acceso principal, familia Grove-Allende, Salvador Allende; alcaldes (Manuel Ossa, Juan Magalhaes, Gastón Hamel, Gustavo Fricke, J. Andueza); vecinos ilustres (T. von Shroeders, Gustavo Wulff, Adolfo Ibáñez, C. Ambrosoli), bóvedas institucionales (CRAV, congregaciones religiosas, mutuales, sindicatos y clubes sociales).
Duración aproximada: 1 hora.

Cerro Castillo Route
Every Wednesday and Saturday – Hours: 11:00 a.m.
Meeting point: Flower Clock
Itinerary: Flower Clock, Jorge Alessandri Viewpoint, mansions, Presidential Palace (front), Brunet Castle, Vista Hermosa descent.
Approximate duration: 2 hours.

Quinta Vergara Park Route
Todos los viernes – Horario: 11:00 horas
Punto de encuentro: Frontis Palacio Vergara
Itinerario: Explanada Palacio Vergara, sendero de Los Poetas, museo In Situ, anfiteatro, sector bustos conmemorativos, mural homenaje a Los Jaivas, visita sector Potrerillos.
Duración aproximada: 1 hora 30 minutos


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